陈奕迅登2014 MAMA 一曲《浮夸》震撼全场,音乐响起时获得全场热烈回应,副歌部分更是全场大合唱

陈奕迅登2014 MAMA 一曲《浮夸》震撼全场,音乐响起时获得全场热烈回应,副歌部分更是全场大合唱

本文章出自:陈奕迅登2014 MAMA 一曲《浮夸》震撼全场,音乐响起时获得全场热烈回应,副歌部分更是全场大合唱

《浮夸》的曲名原来叫《Depression》,是香港作曲人江志仁(C.Y.Kong) 2003年4月1日在伦敦听到好友哥哥张国荣的死讯之后写下来的,表达他失去好友的悲痛,听到消息时的震撼以及对哥哥选择离开表示不解。后来Eason出碟选中此曲,曾经打算自己填词,表达对哥哥的思念,这也是陈奕迅唯一一次想亲自填词。但最后他还是没法写出令自己满意的歌词,最终将这个任务交给了黄伟文。而黄伟文则把词里的故事从悼念哥哥,变成了一个不得志的小人物的嘶喊

是不是突然想要知道歌词写些什么,为你分享原版 粤语,中文翻唱 和 英文翻译




作曲:C Y Kong

有人问我 我就会讲 但是无人来

我期待到无奈 有话要讲 得不到装载...

我的心情犹像樽盖 等被揭开 咀巴却在养青苔

人潮内 愈文静 愈变得 不受理睬 自己要搞出意外

像突然 地高歌 任何地方也像开四面台

着最闪的衫 扮十分感慨 有人来拍照要记住插袋

你当我是浮夸吧 夸张只因我很怕

似木头 似石头的话 得到注意吗

其实怕被忘记 至放大来演吧

很不安 怎去优雅


不够爆炸 怎么有话题 让我夸 做大娱乐家

那年十八 母校舞会 站着如喽啰

那时候 我含泪发誓各位 必须看到我

在世间 平凡又普通的路太多 屋村你住哪一座

情爱中 工作中 受过的忽视太多 自尊已饱经跌堕

重视能治肚饿 未曾获得过便知我为何

大动作很多 犯下这些错

搏人们看看我 算病态么

你当我是浮夸吧 夸张只因我很怕

似木头 似石头的话 得到注意吗

其实怕被忘记 至放大来演吧

很不安 怎去优雅


不够爆炸 怎么有话题 让我夸 做大娱乐家

幸运儿并不多 若然未当过就知我为何

用十倍苦心做突出一个 正常人够我富议论性么

你叫我做浮夸吧 加几声嘘声也不怕

我在场 有闷场的话 表演你看吗 够歇斯底里吗

以眼泪淋花吧 一心只想你惊讶 我旧时似未存在吗

加重注码 青筋也现形 话我知 现在存在吗

凝视我 别再只看天花 我非你杯茶

也可尽情地喝吧 别遗忘有人在为你声沙


中文版 浮夸

演唱: 林志炫


夜晚星空 你只看见最亮的那颗

人海中你崇拜 话题最多最红的那个

谁不觊觎着要站在舞臺中央 光环只为我闪烁

散场后 落幕后 谁关心你想甚么 谁在乎你做甚么

夸张不是罪过 能满足空洞乏味的生活

那窥探的眼那议论的口 消遣了每一次茶余饭后

难道非要浮夸吗 无谓是非与真假

拼排场包装比身价 谁说真心话 谁说真心话

只要画面够惊讶 只要内容够爆炸

一张嘴开出了天花 嬉笑怒骂

只能在夜里镜子前 偷偷讲实话

你喜欢我 不喜欢我 是你的自由

我只是希望在某些时候 抓到你耳朵

为音乐梦想唱出第一个音符 从此就没放弃过

主观的 客观的 旁观的拦阻太多


所以我要歌颂 让情绪释放在歌声之中

选择虽然多 好歌有几首 能够去感动人给些什么

难道非要浮夸吗 无谓是非与真假

拼排场包装比身价 谁是大赢家 谁是大赢家

只要画面够惊讶 只要内容够爆炸

一张嘴开出了天花 嬉笑怒骂本文章出自:陈奕迅登2014 MAMA 一曲《浮夸》震撼全场,音乐响起时获得全场热烈回应,副歌部分更是全场大合唱

只能在夜里镜子前 偷偷讲实话

幸运儿不是我 因为我选择的路很难走

如果够出色却不能出头 至少也做到没第二个我

难道非要浮夸吗 内心也曾很挣扎

一个人努力的时候 有谁看见吗 有谁知道吗

唱到思绪都融化 唱到声音也沙哑

说是我着了魔也好 疯了也罢

若不能挥洒 算甚么歌唱的玩家


合不合胃口 都请欣然接受吧




English translation

00:10 If somebody asked me, I would talk; but no one is coming...

00:17 I expect to talk; waiting till to the point that I feel reluctant to talk, and I am not satisfied

00:24 My mood is waiting to be opened like a bottle cover, but my mouth seems like growing moss

00:30 Within the crowd, becoming quieter and being ignored, but I have to do something

00:37 Like...singing all of a sudden...00:40 every places is like a stage to me

00:44 Wearing the most shiny costumes, 00:46 pretending to be doing deep thoughts

00:48 If somebody takes a picture for me, remember to put my hands into the pockets

** chord**

## 00:53 You just have to think that I am exaggerating (Fau Kwaa), 00:57 it is because I am very afraid.

01:00 If I stand still like a wood or a stone, would I even be noticed?

01:06 You know, it is because I am afraid to be forgtten, hence I exaggerate my every single actions

01:10 How could I look elegant while I am anxious deep inside?

01:14 Would keeping silence be praised in the world?

01:18 If I don't look like a bomb, how can I be included in big talks and be entertaining? ##

01:33 Back then, when I was 18,

01:35 I stood still like a pawn in the school prom

01:40 At that time, I swore with tears to everybody that they had to notice me someday

01:46 There are too many routines in the world, so where you belong to?

01:53 Being ignored too often in relationships and jobs, my pride was being neglected long time ago already

01:59 To me, getting attention can cure my hunger. If you have never got attentions by others, you will know why I do so many big moves , and making the "mistakes" to make people think that I might be "sick"


## You just have to think that I am exaggerating, it is because I am very afraid.

If I stand still like a wood or a stone, would I even be noticed?

You know, it is because I am afraid to be forgtten, hence I exaggerate my every single actions

How could I look elegant while I am anxious deep inside?

Would keeping silence be praised in the world?

If I don't look like a bomb, how can I be included in big talks and be entertaining? ##

02:49 HA..HA ..HAHHH!!!

03:01 There are not many lucky ones in the world

03:04 If you have never got attentions by others, you will know why I spend 10 times more hardwork to be the one who stand out.

03:11 Do you think the ordinary people would ever get the controversy that I have?

03:16 You can just call me "being exaggerated", it is OK to add some "boos"

03:23 If there is dead air, let me perform for you as I am here

Is that all over the top? Come on, keep crying as if you're showering the flowers

I just want to surprise all of you

03:38 Did I look like I was not even existed in the past?

Let me try harder till the blue veins all show up, and please tell me, do I exist right now?

03:50 HA... please stare at me...don't just look at the ceiling...

04:00 Even if I am not your cup of tea, you can still enjoy it

04:05 Please don't forget that somebody cracks his voice just for you...

本文章出自:陈奕迅登2014 MAMA 一曲《浮夸》震撼全场,音乐响起时获得全场热烈回应,副歌部分更是全场大合唱

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